Nectarine Trees

We are now taking orders for Nectarine Trees.

*** They ship from January through April ***
*** We ship to colder states beginning in late March and early April UNLESS you request it to ship earlier.
If you live above Virginia, please tell us in the comments if you would like your muscadine order shipped ASAP or if you prefer for us to ship in April 2025.


The word Nectarine means “Sweet as Nectar” and they really are.

They are a great addition to your home orchard.

Nectarines originated in China over 2,000 years ago. They were developed from a peach by a natural mutation. In fact, nectarines are identical to peaches with the exception of one gene. The gene difference makes peaches fuzzy and nectarines smooth.

Nectarines, like peaches are a fast growing tree that produces fruit early. A mature nectarine tree will rarely grow more than 10-12′ tall. Nectarines are sweet just like peaches but without the fuzz on the skin. It is truly a delicious fruit with meat more similar to a plum.

Self-fertile.    Planting information:  Click Here

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